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Oscar Pascasio

Óscar Pascasio Monzón, teacher, pianist and composer, finished his Higher Education in Piano in 1998.

In May 2013, his first album, “La ribera del Pisuerga”, came to light and in 2015 he made his international leap, becoming part of a network of American artists.

In 2016, he received the Akademia Award in Los Angeles in the Best Instrumental Album category. Thanks to this award, “La ribera del Pisuerga” is promoted and begins to play on radio stations around the world, reaching number 1 in Los Angeles in 2017.

In November 2017, his second album “Sensaciones” was released and very soon entered the charts in the United States and Great Britain, reaching number 2 on the most important list in Europe.

In 2018 the album “Sensaciones” is nominated for “Best Album of the Year” in the United States. The 3 finalists offered a concert at the Berlin Philharmonic (Germany).

In 2019 he obtained a bronze medal at the Global Media Awards in California for his song “Magic”.

He also composes a song for the Catalan company “Digital mantenimientos”, a song that was presented at the Gaudí Hall in La Pedrera (Barcelona).

In 2021 his song “Words” reached number 1 on OWM, the best European list and his song “Something between you and me” was nominated for best single of the year.

Currently, more than 250,000 people listen to Óscar Pascasio’s music on Spotify every month and his music has already reached 30 million views on all digital platforms.